Wednesday, 15 June 2011

Bedford House, Fulham...

We have just installed a new exhibition in Fulham, please see our new exhibition calender for full address details. Our TPA staff will be happy to help you and answer all your questions over the next five days.

Tuesday, 7 June 2011

Unfortunate Cancellation...

Owing to flooding we are really sorry to have to cancel or forthcoming exhibition at 2 Longwalk road, Uxbridge. This is a real shame as we were hoping to welcome Northcott & District Photographic society to a TPA exhibition and have the opportunity to let them see what we are all about. However, these things do happen from time to time and we will certainly be returning to Uxbridge as soon as possible.

Looking Forward-

Now we are turning all our attention to our next exhibitions in Milton Keynes (Rituals of Recreation), Bedford House Fulham- London (Rituals of Recreation), Bristol Aztec West 920& 930 (Self Portrait as Mirror, Self Portrait as Soul) and our largest yet (145 photographs!) just next door the MI5 building in Vauxhall London- Market Towers (Rituals of Recreation).

Market Towers, London.
Our biggest venue yet, 145 photographs transforming an office block into
an exhibition space.
Rituals of Recreation
will be shown at
Market Towers from the
18 - 22nd of June.
See the exhibition page
for other venues.

Wednesday, 1 June 2011

Returning from Leeds exhausted but proud

Two days ago No.1 Leeds was a very smart uninhabited office building empty save an exemplary security officer (cheers Luke!) and some pretty incredible views across Leeds especially from the seventh floor (think the last scene in fight club- not the gun bit).

Seven empty floors, eight if you include the ground, which believe me- we did. One day later and it’s eight floors of 111 photographs two TPA representative gallery attendants (thanks Marta and Sarah esp. Martha for bar recommendation- local Leeds knowledge!) individual information stands erected for each image and of course information on all our artists involved in the exhibition in addition to this exhibition theme information ‘Rituals of Recreation’.

Our Leeds exhibition has been the first time the TPA gang teamed up with the guys from Crewsaders. Now, the TPA set-up team are good, they’re fast and they work hard and vitally they have the ‘knowledge’ i.e what goes where and how, but Crewsaders- they do this for a living. We, TPA, had turned up sharply at 9am and got everything prepared for them, then ‘Woody’ turned up and I thought- he’s bloody massive, I guess he must be some kind of rugby player on the side, then the rest of the turned up- I guess they were a team. Anyway they hit the set-up hard and come four o’clock we were almost finished, but unfortunately they had to get going. We cracked on, Crew Chief Andy busying around making sure everything was squared and sorted Pat (pound for pound an extra Crewsader) heroically pushing forward with all the heavy lifting etc. me running about laptop in hand sorting a couple final missing labels and locating (via iPhone and seventh floor vantage point) the nearest Staples to get all printed. Nearing 7pm and St.Luke our gracious and very helpful building manager was starting to consider his Friday night and ‘intelligent’ building security system.

We were still not finished and although I was going to lose Andy and Pat (heading South) we were not going to missing our opening time (10am next day)
I had already met with and briefed our gallery attendants they even had the newly minted TPA shirts on, so I took the executive decision of staying over another night up north and gave one of the attendants a (slight begging- but paid) call to come in an hour early and finish off with me- she said yes. Genius. So to finish ‘a-day-and-a-bit’ in the life of TPA, at 9am this morning we met again to finish up. All finished and one last job remained- for me, the ‘creative director’ after all, to catalogue the exhibition we photograph every show after it is hung in our efforts to improve. From seventh to ground and literally as I left the lift we had our first 6 visitors.

Ready to open
Now I’m on the train, the long 6hours back home stretch before me and I have time to reflect. I have worked around and the arts and exhibitions all my life and last night one of my best friends and a great illustrator, James Stewart, was having a private view at my brothers gallery, Coombe Gallery. I knew it would be a great and successful night, he and his gallery had worked hard to assure this, it was.  I had very much wanted to be there, to support him and his art, however I’d had to stay in Leeds for a new exhibition put on by a new organisation promoting many artists simply to help enrich the public and general knowledge of the multifaceted art of photography.

Dragana Jurisic - 'A bird in the Head X'
I believe Photography is currently one on the most fascinating and tumultuous areas of the arts, it is so debated and dissected, poured over and ruminated upon from camera clubs the country over to universities, art colleges and the gallery elite. The Photographic Angle is uniquely positioned in this age of ‘democratisation of information’ to truly create a forum for debate, and to educate further those of us with either a keen respect and appreciation for this alchemic art or a practitioner wishing to either exhibit to enter the debate or indeed to share their specific knowledge.

Leeds and exhibiting 111 images was hard work, to be honest it made TPA sweat, but to be honest if it doesn’t is it worth doing? 

 Rituals of Recreation Exhibition Theme information